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Brevard County Animal Enforcement Ordinance

The purpose of this ordinance is to regulate the possession, ownership, keeping, care and custody of animals in the interest of the health, safety and welfare of the people of the County.  The most frequent complaint violation reported to the city (for referral to Brevard County) entails citizens allowing their animals to utilize private and public property for bathroom purposes.  

Please note the following excerpt from Brevard County Code Chapter 14, Animal enforcement Ordinance, Sec. 14-59:

"No animal shall be permitted or allowed to defecate or urinate upon any public property, or any private property, without permission of the property owner.  It shall be the responsibility of the owner or person in control of the animal to dispose of or remove any excretions caused by the animal."

This means that you cannot allow your animal to use your neighbor's property, medians, in the street, City properties and right-of-way, etc., without permission of the property owner(s).  Violations of this ordinance could result in fines of $50.00 for the first offense and $65.00 for each offense thereafter.  You may report a violation using the affidavit process available on their web site at  www.brevardanimalservices.com.  With enough information, citations can be issued.  

Please provide as much detail as possible, i.e., name and address of animal owner, location and time of violation, description of animal, etc.  A videotape or still photograph of the violation in progress is excellent evidence in court.  It is imperative that once a violation is reported, the individual filing the complaint
is willing to follow through with the entire process which may include testifying in court. For more on this and other violations, contact Brevard County Animal Control at 633-2024.

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